Wednesday, May 7, 2008

In production!

Hello all.
I have been woefully delinquent in keeping up with posts! What can I say? Life intervenes. I am just back in Houston after having directed a Magic Flute in Tulsa, and it was a GREAT experience, if a little all-consuming. But now it is ALL DIDO ALL THE TIME!

We are in rehearsals now and I spend my days with the dancers from Dominic Walsh Dance Theater and then work with singers at night... and I tell you, it is just exhilarating watching all these talented people make beauty on a moment by moment basis. I have worked with Dominic on a few shows, and it is such a different world than opera production. Their vocabulary, their timeline, their way of understanding space and their place in it.... it is like being on a different planet... a strange and beautiful planet that takes my breath away, and sometimes makes me laugh out loud.

I just discovered that DWDT has a load of videos on YouTube. Check out this clip from "I Napoletani", a show I stage managed for them last spring. This was one of my favorite numbers in the show. I love some witty dancing, people.

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