Well, what a wild ride this has been! Our show has opened and closed, and my friends, I must say, I thought it came off really really beautifully. It was such a thrill for me to sit back and see all these things that I have imagined for the last year and a half in "the little theatre of my mind" ACTUALLY COME TO LIFE! As a director, I have this picture...almost more of a feeling than an image...of what I want to convey, but especially as a person so young in the biz, there is a worry that what I imagine will not be as wonderful when it is "live".... but it really was!
The ensemble sounded great, they looked great, they acted like "real people", the dancers were breath-taking, the costumes were beautiful and gleaming, the lighting was lovely, the witches were creepy and wierd, and when the set piece turned around for the first time (with Dido lying on it) I heard audible gasps in the crowd.
I am going to share with you an email that was forwarded to me by one of our performers.... I don't even know the person who wrote it, but truly, it is one of the most special "reviews" I have ever received, by an ordinary audience member.
Last night's performance of "Dido" was exquisite. I can't stop thinking about it. So beautiful visually and musically. The combination of modern dance and Baroque music was surprising and powerful, especially in the last lament. I have a short list in my memory of performances throughout the years -- maybe half a dozen which were really momentous. "Dido" has joined that list.
Ok, enough gushing. I hope you were able to see the show and if you enjoyed it half as much as I did, then you had a great night at the theatre! I will share some of the "official" photos when they are available, but here is one more amateur shot to send you off on your day...

(why do men have a need to hold their boobs?)